At Kármán Line Consulting we’re on a mission to help brilliant minds, entrepreneurs and leaders communicate with crystal clear clarity, gravitas and passion in a way that builds trust, inspires teams and influences change.

Are you an...

✓ Expert, entrepreneur or executive that needs to communicate powerfully

✓ Business owner or leader looking for tailored support for yourself and/or your team

✓ Support function like HR, Comms or Events organising development programs or off-sites.

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Karman Line Consulting

Online learning program 

Vision to Voice

Ever feel like you have a lot to say, but you can’t find the words? Or it just doesn’t come out as clearly as you would like? Perhaps your message just doesn’t generate the excitement and action you were hoping for. 

If that resonates with you, join our tribe!

The Vision to Voice program helps you build: 

  •  Crystal clear clarity around your vision, message and pathway to owning the conversation
  •  Confidence and certainty around how to communicate and come across with presence and passion
  •  Influence through your style of communication to inspire support and action

Our goal is to ensure you have the words and the way to communicate so the world can see your brilliance!

Learn more about Vision to Voice program

Who are we?

At Kármán Line Consulting, we’re driven by the curiosity to know what’s possible. Too many relationships are affected by unhealthy communication, and too many ideas don’t see the light because of our lack of clarity in the way we speak. 

Our primary focus is to help businesses succeed, relationships flourish, and ideas get noticed by helping you build trusted relationships and communicate powerfully.

Leesa Shannon, our captain, brings unmatched curiosity and energy to her client engagements and is fiercely passionate about helping her clients reach their potential through building strong relationships and communicating powerfully. 

Find out more about Kármán Line Consulting

What our clients are saying

Kármán Line provides high quality professional consulting advice which adds significant value to individuals skillset enhancement. An invaluable and trusted resource and subject matter expert. A real pleasure to do business with.
Mark Tait, Head of Development, Investa Property Group

Leesa has a unique talent at being able to extract and polish your idea so that it shines in a way that is true to you. Even just an hour with her is a priceless experience.

Sunita Gloster, Managing Director, Gloster Advisory

Leesa has empowered me with multiple skills that I will use on an almost daily basis - non-verbal communication, use of speech, considering my audience, the list goes on. She is an expert communicator and I guarantee you will benefit from her guidance.

Aidan Kerr, Head of Equities, JBWere